Sunday 6 March 2016

Non-Worry & The Meditation Myth

Why does anyone want to meditate?
Most people want the results of meditation, without really having to 'do' or 'not do' something to achieve those results. Kind of like: no one really wants to go to the gym to get fit, but they do anyway because that's what we're told works - and it does, for people who actually like going to the gym. The word meditation is old school; it conjures up gurus and crystal bowls and incense and special pillows - which is nice, for those of us who like those things. Even the word mindfulness is a misnomer; we've gone past the new age sweetness and light place of trying to be in a constant blissful awareness - that place where one can ignore pressing issues because, well, it's easier to stay away from pesky contentions rather than dealing with 'negativity' in a productive way.

The ABC's of Mediation:

A. You do not need a quiet place to sit (cross-legged or otherwise) - unless that's what you want to do.
B. You do not need to focus on anything - unless that's what you want to do.
C. You do not need to set time aside - unless that's what you want to do.

Unless you actually want to do something, the action you take will not empower you, or teach you anything, or calm you; in fact, it will undermine your whole reasoning for why you are doing it in the first place. There are times we have to do things we don't want to do, but if we come from a place of centredness (one of the main goals of meditation) even those things will empower us or create a feeling of accomplishment. Replace 'meditation' with Non-Worry, and we see a larger perspective of being able to go through the daily grind, while being centred.

Worrying is the worst. Get rid of it. You can now sit quietly and just be, or work, or do the dishes, or look out the window, or ride the bus and observe, or read, or talk with people - You can now do anything you want to do, and even the things you don't want to do, without being bogged down with worry about fill-in-the-blank. This is easier said than done, because worrying is like a gauge used to make decisions - If your decisions are coming from a place of worry, you are probably not making the best choices, and in turn, creating more things to worry about.

Observing your mind as it wanders is another point of meditation. It's a good point, and this can be done always, if you remember. Next time you trip over something, or cut your finger when chopping vegetables, notice if your mind was wandering while it occurred - chances are, you were worrying about something...

Retrain your brain: Notice what you're thinking - Feel your emotions - Don't worry about them...
You are more than your Thought & Emotion.

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